Cosmetic Gynecology


Surgical Procedures

At GlotoxMD, we offer advanced surgical gynecological procedures to address a range of concerns and empower women to feel their best and live life to the fullest. Our expert team specializes in personalized care to ensure your comfort and satisfaction throughout your journey.

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and rejuvenate the labia, improving aesthetics and alleviating discomfort.

Vaginoplasty focuses on tightening the vaginal canal, restoring tone and function for enhanced sexual satisfaction and confidence.


Non-Surgical Procedures

We offer cutting-edge techniques and innovative treatments designed to enhance your well-being without the need for surgery.

The O-Shot is a revolutionary procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate vaginal tissue, improving sensitivity, lubrication, and sexual satisfaction. Learn more.

The Sub-Urethral Spider Web for Urinary Incontinence - Luksenburg Method offers a minimally invasive approach to treating urinary incontinence, providing long-lasting relief and restoring confidence. Learn more.



We do not accept medical insurance.
We accept credit cards, cash, Cherry, Care Credit, PayPal & Venmo.
Consultations with the physician are complimentary.


Schedule a free consultation

Meet with Dr. G to learn more about which Treatment will work.

*Medical Disclaimer: None of the information provided on this website is to diagnose or treat any disease. It’s merely informational. All results depicted on patient photos may vary. Photos posted with patient consent.